Our Plea to Hon.Dr.Rashid Pelpou -Upper West Music Industry Players | OneMuzikGh

Following the news trending on GhgoOnline on how Hon Dr. Rashid Pelpou the Wa Central MP has express his pleasure on how the upper west Entertainment and Creative arts industry has improved and willing the support it, Mr.Khalid Abdul-Ganiu known much as Fashion King and Hillia Gbene Marshoood a blogger has sent a plea to Dr.Rashid Pelpou on some things that would add more growth to the industry here in the upper west region.
Speaking to these gentle men on E-Hub on GBC Radio Upper West Hosted by Ike, Fashion King said he was impressed of hearing a big man like Hon Dr.Rashid Pelpou applauded the industry and has shifted his mind to the Entertainment and creative arts industry here in the upper west region hence his first plea he is sending to Hon. Dr. Rashid Pelpuo is to organized an MP seminar(Political Free) to educate artists,music lovers ,fans and industry players to know the real meaning of Show business(showbiz) and to know that Showbiz is beyond insults and attacks .He added that many people in the industry don’t really know what they are doing which he stated plainly that a seminar like that from a Honorable man like Dr.Rashid Pelpou would do the region good.
Fashion King added that musicians in the region don’t make money from their music due to uploads on free platforms which according to him brings nothing to the musician hence he proposed the Assistance of Hon.Dr.Rahid Pelpou on an incomplete project(App) started by Himself and Hillia Mashood Gbene CEO of GhgoOnline which came to a halt due to financial constraints.
The Project he said would help musicians get paid for the downloads they get from their songs, He pleaded with Hon.Dr.Rashid Pelpou to come to their aid for the upliftment of the Music Industry .
Hillia Marshood finally sent a plea to Hon.Dr.Rashid pelpou to work on a show center where programnes and shows can be hosted since the few they have in the region are not valid for shows and cannot take greater numbers which he described as Rooms.
Story: Ike