There Will Be Free Ebony Condoms For All – PRO For Upper West Music Awards

Upper West Music Awards is one of the vibrant and irresistible Awards scheme in the Upper West Region who recognizes and appreciates Musicians in the region and has an achievable goal of projecting the region and its Musicians to reach all corners of the world.
With this year’s Awards theme being Branding and Rebranding, there has been a lot of interesting things around and yet to happen as the awards night is drawing closer.
The Award Scheme PRO; Dhat FashionKing on an entertainment conversation (E-Convo) with Bra Ike Gh, declaration that this year’s Awards Night Performance is purely going to be live band performance with the Chinchiga Band. The first time of an award night performance being a Live Band Performance.
He also added that, “Ebony Condoms” is a partner to the awards night hence there will be free condoms for all those who will make it to the Awards night grounds which is slated to be at First and Last Gardens in the Upper West Region.
He also urges that, anyone/NGO can come forward to give away sanitary pads as support to the event. This he indicated that, menstruation is mandatory but sex is a choice, therefore they will appreciate it if a voluntary team come to do that.
It’s is indeed Branding and Rebranding as they announced the musicians that will be passing through the night.
Wiyaala, Rudebwoy Ranking, Kawute, Eddylee GH,Sambwoy and other magnificent musicians will be performing live with the Chinchiga Band.