
COVID-19 Awareness And Peaceful 2020 Elections By King Raph | OneMuzikGh

Every legend always inspire his people in one way or the other. COVID-19 has brought the world down to its knees. Most people have tried their possible best to help fight this deadly pandemic in their own wisdom. King Raph with his superb thinking abilities has found ways to support and help educate the general public on how to protect themselves from this pandemic.

King Raph has toured the villages in the upper west region( Dorimo, Tuna, Tuntuna etc) to perform and preach to them on the deadly pandemic COVID-19. On the 24Th of October 2020 was the Upper west region own as the regional capital, which took place at royal lodge. This program was planned and failed them several times due to the cloudy nature of the weather here. But with God been so good, last Sunday this program took off and it went on well with no distractions or what so ever.

With the branded nose masks that King Raph donated to the students and workers at W FM, to the regional minister and most of his funs.

he continued with this program to create the awareness of this deadly virus and the incoming election December 2020 to preach about how to promote peace and unity during and after the election. People were invited from villages of which include; Manwei, Hamile, Tuna, Nakore, Dorimo, Tuntuna and Boli to join this program at royal lodge, dignitaries like Hon Nuhu Putiaha, Hon Edison, Musiga Secretary Aziz Sungumo, Mak FM Manager Mr Sammed Gurundare, Prophet Prosper, Alhaji Karim, Alhaji Seidu, Mr Thomas and others. I B Muniru was the MC and some artist passed through to support this program. Some of the artists that passed through include Best Gally, Stunner, Samboy, G Dog, Don Ratty, Queenzy Bana and Noway.Everyone did his or her part as the program suggested, to create COVID-19 awareness and preach peace on the incoming election, 2020. King Raph is a legend to be remembered for, he really did his best.

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