Meet Lydia Tii Yamig, the unemployed nurse who delivered a baby in a cando

There’s a saying that not all heroes or heroines wear capes. Some of the heroes we know are ordinary people who are pursuing and achieving extraordinary things.
This is the case of Lydia Tii Yamig, the nurse who helped deliver a pregnant woman’s baby in a cando that was headed from Bolgatanga to Pelungu, both communities in the Upper East Region.
Miss Yamig is a product of the Navrongo Community Health Nursing Training College and completed her education in 2021. For the past 2 years, she has been unable to gain employment in the field she trained in. As such, she sought temporary employment as a bar waitress.
The seeming lack of practice for two years didn’t prevent Miss Yamig from springing into action when her services were needed.
When she spoke to A1 Radio’s Mark Smith, this is what she said.
“I boarded a Cando with three other passengers, including the then pregnant woman, from Bolga to Pelungu. When we got to Logre, around 6:30pm, the pregnant woman started feeling labour contraction. We assured her that she would be fine.”
“It became more serious and she began crying louder and said she wanted to pass stool. I gathered courage and improvised by using a black rubber on my right hand to remove the baby’s head from the vagina. The baby came with a cord around the neck and I was trying to remove it but it was too tight.”
“People who had gathered and were observing decided to help us rush the woman and her newborn baby to Ayamfooya Hospital. The cord was cut when we got to the hospital, in the absence of a midwife. A midwife came later, when everything was almost done.”
Miss Yamig hopes to gain employment in her chosen field soon so she can continue to help others in the esteemed profession of Florence Nightingale.
Source:|101.1MHz|Mark Kwasi Ahumah Smith|Ghana