We Have Three(3) Groups Of Musicians In Bolga_BacTeRia States Clearly | OneMuzikGh
Some couple of days ago, the able Public Relations Officer(PRO) of West Side Entertainment who also happens to be one of the unflagging Industry Players and a prolific Constructive Critic in the Upper East Music Industry, unveiled his plan of cataloging Bolgatanga Artistes into 3 different calibers.
Later on the 8th of September, 2020, he really classified them into three different breeds.
According to BacTeRia, the first breed of musicians in Bolga are those who do good music, are champions in their own ways, unfortunately, he could not mention even a single musician under this breed because of the undetectable nature of it.
The second breed are those who do really good, widespread and had their names indexed in the hearts of many, withing Bolga, suburbs of Bolga and outside the Region eg THE WEST SIDE ARTISTES, ATIMBILA, SARAUTA, ROCKCITY, GING SEN, RATY BANGARANG, CYPID, etc
The last group of musicians are those who do music because they have physical resources eg, GOLDBARON, AMSTARLAOGEE etc. Read everything below
BOLGA Has 3 Breeds Of Musicians..
We Have Those Who Do Really Good But Then Are Domestic Champions And Can Only Sell Within The Region Unless If They Conceivably Work On Their Branding.. “I Would Rather Not Mention Names Of Persons Of This Group To Avoid Being Labeled A Hater”..
Then We Have Those With A Widespread Touch Worth Selling To Countrywide And The World Like The Westside Boys, Atimbila GH, Streetz Bani, Rockcity Kurt, Sarauta, Ging Sen, Ratty, Cypid Etc..
And Then We Have Those Who Just Make Music Because They Have A Microphone And Have Money To Promote Themselves Like Starlaogee, GoldBaron Etc..
So Whoever You Support Informs Me About How I Associate With You
Guys Who Support The First Group Do So Because The Artistes Are Their Friends And They Genuinely Want To See Them Be A Success !
The Second Group Support The Artistes Because Of Their Potentials And The Vision That The Artiste Has The Potential To Go Nationwide & Beyond !
And The Third Group Is The Squad Chasing Where The Money Flows Regardless Of The Content In The Song.
Sorry I Mentioned Or Didn’t Mention Your Name !! #ShowbizMafia”
Hw can you categorize Bolga artists into groups .
Come and explain , I’m not well understood with ur above explanation
If you don’t understand, please read again bro