The era of the slay queens – Findings on research about Slay Queens by Isaac kanyiri (Ike).

I think people have destroyed the real definition of Slay Queens. In most of our minds ,a slay queen is some sort of “Hoe”. No!! Slay means killing it by way of dressing, like being stylish. A slay queen is a woman who wants to choke everyone else with how beautiful and cool they are especially on Social media and slay queen are.
A research conducted by Ike came out with these findings.

There is a new breed of women in town commonly known as slay queens on social media. In layman’s language, a slay queen is a woman who wants to choke everyone else with how beautiful they feel ,they are ,and how they do their “cool stuff”, not forgetting their opinions!
Here the researcher went out to demystify and try understanding the phenomenon and characteristics of these slay queens.
The first time you meet and listen to them, you would realize they are humans with different views and ways of doing may say they feel big and always looking nice, yes!!Even if a slay queen would borrow which many think they do always, but she must look nice. Few minutes Minutes into a conversation with a say queen even though she may misinterpret your time spent in the conversation with her at the beginning,you would enjoy their beautiful experiences Jay Guzman says “a slay queen’s starter pack includes a passport, thick thighs, an iPhone and a strong liver”.

- Make up, looking good always
A slay queen must have her make up intact all the time. She has to keep up with all make up and accessories trends and she maintains it on all her social media handles. Take a look too at their eyebrows, Currently, they are slaying on a new trend called wavy eyebrows. With her makeup, a slay queen will look like any local or international celeb or model she admires and if you are “unlucky” enough to meet one of these queens without her make up, you will blame yourself for going out that day even though some looks naturally beautiful.
What we should know is that a slay queen would rather sleep hungry but wear the latest lace ,outfit, weave or wig,shoes, and have perfect polish on her “sexy” nails.
The other side of these new creatures is that As part of her calling, a slay queen has the obligation of updating us mere mortals about where she is having her breakfast, lunch or dinner, where and when her invisible bae and her are travelling to, the major happenings in her life like when her bedroom light blows out or one of her hair strands falls out! She takes photos and posts them from when they wake up to when they retire on their king size beds.
The photos are heavily edited with filters to create perfect and flawless looks until you meet her face to face and realize she has this big scar on her neck because she start slaying around hot water at age two! Lol lol ,A slay queen’s life revolves around videos on WhatsApp status and IG storied on Instagram.
- How they create, maintain their brands.
The broke slay queens, who are the majority by the way, only take these photos at their rich friends’ place and at big malls only. You will see them with safety belts on “driving their cars” on parking mode. They create a false impression on social media that they balling big time yet most of them are JOBLESS.
A slay queen has to put her mouth or twist it or just stick out her tongue when taking photos. No slay queen has straight legs, it looks funny but very true. Their legs have to be twisted in photos, you would thing she is suffering from rickets or polio. They call it swag.
Additionally, she has to go to all length to get the perfect shot for the day, be it to climb a rooftop, hug a transformer or hop into the next bus to take a photo at the international departure terminal and hop back to their slum house immediately after! She goes like “It is an hustle, my friend!” thus when photos are taken in their slums.
- Their Language
Catch a slay queen dead talking like us mere mortals! You know she is a slay queen if you can’t keep speak with how many wharrevas and ooh my gosh she drop in under five minutes!
Their newest word, issa, is a slaying contraction of it is, so do not be baffled when you see them updating that issa Friday, issa parry time and such issa things. In any case, it is good they use the language that is swaggerific and easy.
Asked to use proper grammar, nearly three quarters of them cannot differentiate “loose” and “lose”, “leave” and “live”, “you’re” and “your” and such simple grammar lines. Desperate to show the world on social media that they too read and that are smart, they will take a pic of a book cover and caption it with, “good riddance”!
Hashtags are also part of their language. A slay queen is nothing if she can’t tell a short story using hashtags.
- Party animal
You cannot qualify as a slay queen if you do not party like an animal(pardon the diction). A serious slay queen has at least puked at all the washrooms of the clubs in town, and taken photos while at it! They smoke shisha like their life depends on it.
A slay queen knows how most if not all wines and whiskeys brands taste if not pretending to! She knows where it is happening this Friday and has to be there by hook or crook, ready to take the best IG photo and so club.
On an interview with one of these news creatures shared her experience, even though she pleaded anonymity she told that people think ill of them when they look nice ,she said nice looking is not a crime but people call them “Ashawo’’ (prostitutes) and same people she said come running after them. When she was asked to tell the difference between a slay queen and an Ashawo Miss ABC said “A prostitute sleeps with many men in exchange of money, she requires money not gifts, while a slay queen is someone from a poor or middle class family who wants to live an affluent lifestyle but can’t afford it thereby resort to sleeping with many men in exchange of money and Gift”.one can see the difference here is clear and can still compel one to argue there is no difference but in order to build a fruitful relation between the Onemuzikgh news team with these new creatures, some questions were reserved.
For their sexual life and their love for luxury, one can’t tell because they don’t mind doing anything with their bodies for you to get what they want which many attributes their untimely death to that. They love luxury more than their lives

A big thank you to the following people: Farouk Marshood aka Asonya Gh the CEO of, Halid-Abdul Ganiu aka Fashion King CEO of Fashion House, Hillia Gbene Marshood CEO of Abudal Sultan CEO of for making my research(Project) a reality not forgetting Mohammed Ali Yelmaan aka Dj Boss and W.S Youngest for the information given, the Entire GBC-Radio Upper West Staff, I say God Bless you for the grooming, My Rosemond, you are such a motivation, and finally to myself and the Kanyiri Family Thank you for the financial assistance.
Research By: Isaac Kanyiri (Ike)