JONJO Palace Walks to Fitness |OneMuzikGh

“Jonjo Palace” a renowned youth camp in the Upper West Region, Wa Municipal to be precise is set to storm the region with a health walk christened “Walk with Jonjo.

The program is aimed at bringing people from all walks of life together and thrill them to the best of exercises to enable boost their health and put them on the path of fitness.

According to Jim Rohn, “the body is the only place we have to live and so we must take good care of it”. It is on this basis Jonjo Palace seeks to be the tool to help make our bodies the best place we have by way of exercising.

Jonjo Palace has chalked some notable successes with regards to organizing similar programs in the region hence, patrons should expect nothing but the very best

The exercise is slated for Saturday, 29th of February, 2020. Let’s all come and be part of history in the making.

For more esquires about the program. Call us on : 0209711090 / 0209713177.

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