Gamebwoy Waaluu sacks his street manager Linking Masaasa

It seem the issue between artistes and their managers needs serious amendments, the country recorded a few misunderstanding between artistes and mangers, the latest one was Fameye and his manger Ogidi Brown and finally the upper west region has dance to the same music seeing the CEO of Uwaai Family Farid Abduai known much as GamebwoyWaaluu writing boldly on his Facebook wall firing his former PRO who was recently promoted to be his Road manager Linking Masaasa Anviela.
Gamenwoy Waaluu On an interview with news team said Liking Masaasa who was his street manager wasonly faking to love him but on a real was following him because of his money and fame.
He added that Linking Masaasa stole money from his just ended show “Ta Ira mini Lp” that occurred on the 12th August , 2019, which he said wasn’t his first time hence has to do away with all fakers who claim to love him yet stabs him at the back.
Gamebwoy Waaluu said “find your way in another family which you can thief and go free, find yourself a better job, if you see any thief that can’t stop it, it’s from home , I have been taking care of yp since I picked you and I realized you have nothing good to offer my music career , I made yo the Linking you are today, it’s over between us” this was words from the CEO of Uwaai Family Gamebwoy Waaluu to Linking Masaasa.
Story : Ike