
Fancy Gadam appreciate Fadlan, Wiz Child, De Donzy, Israhim and Colours Man For Given Him Dope Verses! | OneMuzikGh| OneM

At the latter part of 2019, The versatile artiste by name AHMED MUJAHID BELLO aka FANCY GADAM teamed up with the 5 talented young artistes to bring up a good project dubbed BABA LOLO which was released pre the release of Dream Album.The track accomplished the saying that “two or more better heads are better than one better head”, it was a masterpiece.

Fancy Gadam could not show his appreciation to the talents for helping him make such a hit at that moment but waited till the right time which is today 11 June, 2020. He took to his Facebook wall appreciating them one after the other.

He started with the Kum hit maker WIZ CHILD aka LEGEND BOY, he writes “Your talent is God’s gift to you Wiz Child … total mastery control in Baba Lolo.. GadamNation support him he’s got a new one out there “Kum” go have a look 👀”👇

Followed by ISRAHIM “

Your Talent is like electricity. We don’t understand electricity. We use it.” Abdul Rahim Abdallah . Your rhythmic control on Baba Lolo says it all. He’s got a new one out there check it out , is a hit 🔥
My proud son”


Young Bull Fi Di Girl Dem.. Fad Lan giving Dem 🔥.. my fav rapper Atm… your Talent is like a flower, you have fully tend to it and has turned it into something beautiful..
Welcome to life too short “Da Album” 🔋”

Mamprugu Music Ruler by name STRIKER DE DONZY “Mamprigu Ruller Striker De Donzy … GadamNation support him. I really believe that everyone has a talent, ability, or skill that he can mine to support himself and to succeed in life, I see that in you bro. He’s got a new one out there y’all check it out.”

And finally to COLOURS MAN HILAL “Embrace your talent and pursue it. You won’t believe what you can accomplish Colours Man Hilal , you have got amazing voice and talent! Watch out for him GadamNation! He’s got a new one out there go check it out 👀”👇

He didn’t only genuinely appreciate them for given him dope verses in his track but for also contributing immensely to the growth of Northern Music.

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